Our projects include:
Building R2M tools for Rapid Risk assessment to support Mitigation of diseases and pests
Development of impact network analysis (INA) to evaluate the effects of new information and other technologies in linked socioeconomic and biophysical networks
Analysis of seed health management strategies and methods to improve seed systems for smallholder farmers (with CGIAR Seed Equal and CGIAR RTB, including the toolbox for working with root, tuber and banana seed systems)
Laurel wilt and Phytophthora root rot management strategies in avocado production (USDA SCRI)
Tomato bacterial disease management in the Eastern US (USDA SCRI)
Smart surveillance and mitigation strategies in the Florida region (USDA APHIS)
Forest fires and movement of human pathogens (W.M. Keck Foundation)
Analysis of microbiome networks to inform strategies for improved plant health (FFAR, Ceres Trust)
Supporting plant pathology capacity in Haiti with research collaborations as part of the AREA project (USAID)
Information about software developed as part of these projects is available here and here and the lab GitHub account