
Selected work from the lab specifically about bacteria

Etherton, B. A., A. I. Plex Sulá, R. A. Mouafo-Tchinda, R. Kakuhenzire, H. A. Kassaye, F. Asfaw, V. S. Kosmakos, R. W. McCoy, Y. Xing, J. Yao, K. Sharma, and K. A. Garrett. 2025. Translating Ethiopian potato seed networks: identifying strategic intervention points for managing bacterial wilt and other diseases. Agricultural Systems 222:104167. [open access link]

Martins, S. J., J. Pasche, H. A. O. Silva, G. Selten, N. Savastano, L. M. Abreu, H. Bais, K. A. Garrett, N. Kraisitudomsook, C. M. J. Pieterse, and T. Cernava. 2023. The use of synthetic microbial communities (SynComs) for plant health. Phytopathology 113:1369-1379. [open access link]

Klein-Gordon, J. M., S. Timilsina, Y. Xing, P. Abrahamian, K. A. Garrett, J. B. Jones, G. E. Vallad, and E. M. Goss. 2022. Whole genome sequences reveal the Xanthomonas perforans population is shaped by the tomato production system. ISME Journal 16:591-601. [open access link]

Sharma, K., F. Iruegas-Bocardo, A. Abdurahman, R. I. Alcalá-BriseñoK. A. Garrett, E. M. Goss, G. Ngundo, J. Kreuze, and F. Munguti. 2022. The potato bacterial wilt pathogen exhibits high diversity and epidemic clonality of phylotype II sequevar 1 strains in Kenya. Phytopathology [link].

Klein-Gordon, J., Y. XingK. A. Garrett, P. Abrahamian, M. L. Paret, G. V. Minsavage, A. L. Strayer-Scherer, J. Fulton, S. Timilsina, J. B. Jones, E. M. Goss, and G. E. Vallad. 2021. Assessing changes and associations in the Xanthomonas perforans population across Florida commercial tomato fields via a state-wide survey. Phytopathology [link]

Poudel, M., R. Mendes, L. A. S. Costa, C. G. Bueno, Y. Meng, S. Y. Folimonova, K. A. Garrett and S. J. Martins. 2021. The role of plant-associated bacteria, fungi, and viruses in drought stress mitigation. Frontiers in Microbiology 12:743512. [open access link]

Fulton, J. C., S. Bec, J. Fayette, R. C. Ploetz, K. A. Garrett, C. L. Harmon. 2020. First report of plantain soft rot caused by Klebsiella variicola in Haiti. [Disease Note] Plant Disease [open access link]

Fulton, J. C., J. M. Klein, S. Bec, J. FayetteK. A. Garrett, J. B. Jones, S. Timilsina, and C. L. Harmon. 2020. Draft genome sequences of plant-pathogenic Klebsiella variicola strains isolated from plantain in Haiti. Microbiology Resource Announcements 9:e00336-20. [open access link]

Ascunce, M. S., Keumchul Shin, J. C. Huguet-Tapia, R. PoudelK. A. Garrett, A. H. C. van Bruggen, E. M. Goss. 2019. Penicillin trunk injection affects bacterial community structure in citrus trees. Microbial Ecology 78:457-469. [link]

Bell, T. H., K. Hockett, R. I. Alcalá-Briseño, M. Barbercheck, G. A. Beattie, M. A. Bruns, J. Carlson, T. Chung, A. Collins, B. Emmett, P. Esker, K. A. Garrett, L. Glenna, B. K. Gugino, M. d. M. Jimenez Gasco, L. Kinkel, J. Kovac, K. Kowalski, G. Kuldau, J. Leveau, M. Michalska-Smith, J. Myrick, K. Peter, M. V. Salazar, A. Shade, N. Stopnisek, X. Tan, A. Welty, K. Wickings, and E. Yergeau. 2019. Manipulating wild and tamed phytobiomes: challenges and opportunities. Phytobiomes 3:3-21. [open access link]

Bennett, A. E., K. Preedy, A. Golubski, J. Umbanhowar, S. R. Borrett, L. Byrne, K. Apostol, J. D. Bever, L. Biederman, A. T. Classen, K. Cuddington, M.-A. de Graaff, K. A. Garrett, L. Gross, A. Hastings, J. D. Hoeksema, V. Hrynkiv, J. Karst, M. Kummel, C. T. Lee, C. Liang, W. Liao, K. Mack, L. Miller, B. Ownley, C. Rojas, E. L. Simms, V. K. Walsh, M. Warren and J. Zhu. 2019. Beyond the black box: promoting mathematical collaborations for elucidating interactions in soil ecology. Ecosphere 10:e02799. [open access link]

Poudel, R., A. Jumpponen, M. M. Kennelly, C. Rivard, L. Gomez-Montano and K. A. Garrett. 2019. Rootstocks shape the rhizobiome: Rhizosphere and endosphere bacterial communities in the grafted tomato system. Applied and Environmental Microbiology 85:e01765-18. [link]

Garrett, K. A., R. I. Alcalá-Briseño, K. F. Andersen, C. E. Buddenhagen, R. A. Choudhury, J. C. Fulton, J. F. Hernandez Nopsa, R. Poudel, and Y. Xing. 2018. Network analysis: A systems framework to address grand challenges in plant pathology.  Annual Review of Phytopathology 56: 559-580. [open access link]

Buddenhagen*C. E.,  J. F. Hernandez Nopsa*K. F. Andersen, J. Andrade-Piedra, G. A. Forbes, P. Kromann, S. Thomas-Sharma, P. Useche, and K. A. Garrett. 2017. Epidemic network analysis for mitigation of invasive pathogens in seed systems: Potato in Ecuador.  Phytopathology 107:1209-1218. [open access link]

Thomas-Sharma, S., J. Andrade-Piedra, M. Carvajal Yepes, J. Hernandez Nopsa, M. Jeger, R. Jones, P. Kromann, J. Legg, J. Yuen, G. A. Forbes, and K. A. Garrett. 2017. A risk assessment framework for seed degeneration: Informing an integrated seed health strategy for vegetatively-propagated crops. Phytopathology 107:1123-1135. [open access link]  [Interactive interface for exploring model behavior]

Poudel, R., A. Jumpponen, D. C. Schlatter, T. C. Paulitz, B. McSpadden Gardener, L. L. Kinkel, and K. A. Garrett.  2016.  Microbiome networks: A systems framework for identifying candidate microbial assemblages for disease management.  Phytopathology 106:1083-1096. [open access link]

Thomas-Sharma, S., A. Abdurahman, S. Ali, J. L. Andrade-Piedra, S. Bao, A. O. Charkowski, D. Crook, M. Kadian, P. Kromann, P. C. Struik, L. Torrance, K. A. Garrett, and G. A. Forbes. 2016. Seed degeneration in potato: the need for an integrated research and development strategy to mitigate the problem in developing countries.  Plant Pathology 65:3-16. [link] [CGIAR press release]

Gomez-Montano, L., A. Jumpponen, M. A. Gonzales, J. Cusicanqui, C. Valdivia, P. Motavalli, M. Herman, and K. A. Garrett. 2013. Do bacterial and fungal communities in soils of the Bolivian Altiplano change under shorter fallow periods? Soil Biology & Biochemistry 65:50-59. [link] [Supplemental materials, including beautiful photos] [Associated R scripts]

Garrett, K. A. 2012. Information networks for plant disease: Commonalities in human management networks and within-host signaling networks. [Invited] European Journal of Plant Pathology 133:75-88. [link]

Garrett, K. A., A. Jumpponen, C. Toomajian, and L. Gomez-Montano. 2012. Climate change and plant health: Designing research spillover from plant genomics for understanding the role of microbial communities. [Invited] Canadian Journal of Plant Pathology 34:349-361. [link]

Rouse, M. N., A. A. Saleh, A. Seck, K. H. Keeler, S. E. Travers, S. H. Hulbert, and K. A. Garrett. 2011. Genomic and resistance gene homolog diversity of the dominant tallgrass prairie species across the U.S. Great Plains precipitation gradient. PLoS ONE 6:e17641. [open access link]

Webb, K. M., I. Oña, J. Bai, K. A. Garrett, T. Mew, C. M. Vera Cruz, and J. E. Leach. 2010. A benefit of high temperature: Increased effectiveness of a rice bacterial blight disease resistance gene. New Phytologist 185:568-576. [link]

Yin, C., K. L. Jones, D. E. Peterson, K. A. Garrett, S. H. Hulbert, and T. C. Paulitz. 2010. Members of soil bacterial communities sensitive to tillage and crop rotation. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 42:2111-2118. [link]

Garrett, K. A., and H. F. Schwartz. 1998. Epiphytic populations of Pseudomonas syringae on dry beans treated with copper-based bactericides. Plant Disease 82:30-35. [open access link]

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