Potato and sweetpotato

Selected papers from the lab related to potato and sweetpotato systems

Etherton, B. A., A. I. Plex Sulá, R. A. Mouafo-Tchinda, R. Kakuhenzire, H. A. Kassaye, F. Asfaw, V. S. Kosmakos, R. W. McCoy, Y. Xing, J. Yao, K. Sharma, and K. A. Garrett. 2025. Translating Ethiopian potato seed networks: identifying strategic intervention points for managing bacterial wilt and other diseases. Agricultural Systems 222:104167. [open access link]

Plex Sulá, A. I., V. De Col, B. A. Etherton, Y. Xing, A. Agarwal, L. Ramić, E. Bonaiuti, M. Friedmann, C. Proietti, G. Thiele, and K. A. Garrett. 2024. What traits of collaboration networks are associated with project success? The case of two CGIAR agricultural research programs for development. Agricultural Systems 219:104013. [open access link]

Buddenhagen*, C. E.Y. Xing*, J. Andrade Piedra, G. A. Forbes, P. Kromann, I. Navarrete, S. Thomas-Sharma, R. A. ChoudhuryK. F. Andersen, E. Schulte-Geldermann, B. A. EthertonA. I. Plex Sulá, and K. A. Garrett. 2022. Where to invest project efforts for greater benefit: A framework for management performance mapping with examples for potato seed health. Phytopathology 112:1431-1443. [open access link]

Navarrete, I., V. López, R. Borja, P. Oyarzún, K. A. Garrett, C. J. M. Almekinders, Y. Xing, P. C. Struik, J. L. Andrade-Piedra. 2022. Variety and on-farm seed management practices affect potato seed degeneration in the tropical highlands of Ecuador. Agricultural Systems 198:103387. [open access link]

Sharma, K., F. Iruegas-Bocardo, A. Abdurahman, R. I. Alcalá-BriseñoK. A. Garrett, E. M. Goss, G. Ngundo, J. Kreuze, and F. Munguti. 2022. The potato bacterial wilt pathogen exhibits high diversity and epidemic clonality of phylotype II sequevar 1 strains in Kenya. Phytopathology [link].

Andersen Onofre, K. F., G. A. Forbes, J. Andrade-Piedra, C. E. Buddenhagen, J. C. Fulton, M. Gatto, Z. Khidesheli, R. Mdivani, Y. XingK. A. Garrett. 2021. An integrated seed health strategy and phytosanitary risk assessment: potato in the Republic of Georgia. Agricultural Systems 191:103144. [open access link]

McEwan, M. A., C. J. M. Almekinders, J.L. Andrade-Piedra, E. Delaquis, K. A. Garrett, L. Kumar, S. Mayanja, B. A. Omondi, S. Rajendran, and G. Thiele. 2021. “Breaking through the 40% adoption ceiling: Mind the seed system gaps.” A perspective on seed systems research for development in One CGIAR. Outlook on Agriculture 50:5-12. [open access link]

Narouei-Khandan, H. A., S. K. Shakya, S.K., K. A. Garrett, E. M. Goss, N. S. Dufault, J. L. Andrade-Piedra, S. Asseng, D. Wallach, A. H. van Bruggen, A.H. 2020. BLIGHTSIM: A new potato late blight model simulating the response of Phytophthora infestans to diurnal temperature and humidity fluctuations in relation to climate change. Pathogens 9:659. [open access link]

Xing*, Y.J. Hernandez Nopsa*, K. F. Andersen, J. Andrade-Piedra, F. Beed, G. Blomme, M. Carvajal Yepes, D. Coyne, W. Cuellar, G. Forbes, J. Kreuze, J. Kroschel, L. Kumar, J. Legg, M. Parker, E. Schulte-Geldermann, K. Sharma, and K. A. Garrett. 2020. Global cropland connectivity: A risk factor for invasion and saturation by emerging pathogens and pests. BioScience 70:744-758. [open access link]

Andersen, K. F.C. E. Buddenhagen, P. Rachkara, R. Gibson, S. Kalule, D. Phillips, and K. A. Garrett. 2019. Modeling epidemics in seed systems and landscapes to guide management strategies: The case of sweetpotato in Northern Uganda. Phytopathology 109:1519-1532.  [open access link]

Ogero, K., J. Kreuze, M. McEwan, N. Luambano, H. Bachwenkizi, K. A. GarrettK. F. Andersen, S. Thomas-Sharma, and R. A. A. van der Vlugt.  2019.  Efficiency of insect-proof net tunnels in reducing virus-related seed degeneration in sweetpotato. Plant Pathology 68:1472-1480. [open access link]

Buddenhagen*C. E.,  J. F. Hernandez Nopsa*K. F. Andersen, J. Andrade-Piedra, G. A. Forbes, P. Kromann, S. Thomas-Sharma, P. Useche, and K. A. Garrett. 2017. Epidemic network analysis for mitigation of invasive pathogens in seed systems: Potato in Ecuador.  Phytopathology 107:1209-1218. [open access link]

Garrett, K. A.K. F. Andersen, F. Asche, R. L. Bowden, G. A. Forbes, P. A. Kulakow, and B. Zhou. 2017. Resistance genes in global crop breeding networks. Phytopathology 107:1268-1278. [open access link] [interactive interface for exploring model behavior]

Thomas-Sharma, S., J. Andrade-Piedra, M. Carvajal Yepes, J. Hernandez Nopsa, M. Jeger, R. Jones, P. Kromann, J. Legg, J. Yuen, G. A. Forbes, and K. A. Garrett. 2017. A risk assessment framework for seed degeneration: Informing an integrated seed health strategy for vegetatively-propagated crops. Phytopathology 107:1123-1135. [open access link]  [Interactive interface for exploring model behavior]

Thomas-Sharma, S., A. Abdurahman, S. Ali, J. L. Andrade-Piedra, S. Bao, A. O. Charkowski, D. Crook, M. Kadian, P. Kromann, P. C. Struik, L. Torrance, K. A. Garrett, and G. A. Forbes. 2016. Seed degeneration in potato: the need for an integrated research and development strategy to mitigate the problem in developing countries.  Plant Pathology 65:3-16. [link] [CGIAR press release]

Sparks, A. H., G. A. Forbes, R. J. Hijmans, and K. A. Garrett. 2014. Climate change may have limited effect on the global risk of potato late blight. Global Change Biology 20:3621-3631. [link]

Gomez-Montano, L., A. Jumpponen, M. A. Gonzales, J. Cusicanqui, C. Valdivia, P. Motavalli, M. Herman, and K. A. Garrett. 2013. Do bacterial and fungal communities in soils of the Bolivian Altiplano change under shorter fallow periods? Soil Biology & Biochemistry 65:50-59. [link] [Supplemental materials, including beautiful photos] [Associated R scripts]

Garrett, K. A., G. A. Forbes, S. Savary, P. Skelsey, A. H. Sparks, C. Valdivia, A. H. C. van Bruggen, L. Willocquet, A. Djurle, E. Duveiller, H. Eckersten, S. Pande, C. Vera Cruz, and J. Yuen. 2011. Complexity in climate change impacts: A framework for analysis of effects mediated by plant disease. Plant Pathology 60:15-30. [link]

Sparks, A. H., G. A. Forbes, R. J. Hijmans, and K. A. Garrett. 2011. A metamodeling framework for extending the application domain of process-based ecological models. Ecosphere 2:art90. [open access link]

Garrett, K. A., L. N. Zúñiga, E. Roncal, G. A. Forbes, C. C. Mundt, Z. Su, and R. J. Nelson. 2009. Intraspecific functional diversity in hosts and its effect on disease risk across a climatic gradient. Ecological Applications 19:1868-1883. [link]

Ortiz, O., K. A. Garrett, J. J. Heath, R. Orrego, and R. J. Nelson. 2004. Management of potato late blight in the Andean highlands: Evaluating the benefits of Farmer Participatory Research and Farmer Field Schools. Plant Disease 88:565-571. [open access link]

Garrett, K. A., R. J. Nelson, C. C. Mundt, G. Chacón, R. E. Jaramillo, and G. A. Forbes. 2001. The effects of host diversity and other management components on epidemics of potato late blight in the humid highland tropics. Phytopathology 91:993-1000. [open access link]

Garrett, K. A., and C. C. Mundt. 2000. Host diversity can reduce potato late blight severity for focal and general patterns of primary inoculum. Phytopathology 90:1307-1312. [open access link]

Hijmans, R. J., K. A. Garrett, Z. Huamán, D. P. Zhang, M. Schreuder, and M. Bonierbale. 2000. Assessing the geographic representativeness of germplasm collections: the case of the Bolivian wild potato genebank. Conservation Biology 14:1755-1765. [link]

Garrett, K. A. and S. P. Dendy. 2002. Prácticas culturales para el manejo del tizón tardío de la papa. [Cultural practices for late blight management.] Pages 111-120 in Complementando la Resistencia al Tizón (Phytophthora infestans) en los Andes. E. N. Fernández-Northcote, editor. Global Initiative for Late Blight, Lima, Peru.

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