RTB Toolbox

The CGIAR RTB Toolbox, developed by the RTB Seed Systems project, offers a suite of tools for understanding seed systems and how to improve their management. One focus is root, tuber and banana seed systems, but most of the tools are useful for any seed system and many are useful beyond seed systems.


Tool Contact person Applications and examples
Multi-stakeholder framework Jorge Andrade-P. Identify stakeholders, coordination breakdowns, bottlenecks

Rapid assessment of seed availability, access and quality

Impact network analysis Karen Garrett

karengarrett [[@]] ufl.edu

Scenario analysis to evaluate likely outcomes from each of a set of potential seed system interventions

General background: Garrett 2018,

Garrett et al 2018

Case studies: Buddenhagen et al 2017,

Andersen et al 2019

INA R package: available in GitHub

Small-N case study Conny Almekinders Exploratory case studies to understand seed system functioning
Means-end chains Conny Almekinders Understand farmers’ motivations for preferring particular seed / sources
Four-square method Conny Almekinders/ Aman Characterizing variety diversity & use
Seed tracing Conny Almekinders
Large-N surveys TBD Baseline & endline surveys to take advantage and capture status/change of seed systems characteristics
Choice games  Erik Delaquis For eliciting farmers’ preferences, price levels, and risk thresholds in relation to plant / seed health issues
Seed health models

Integrated seed health approaches


Karen Garrett

karengarrett [[@]] ufl.edu

Framework for extrapolating seed degeneration and management effects across time and space

General background: Thomas-Sharma et al 2016Thomas-Sharma et al 2017

Case studies: Ogero et al 2019, Buddenhagen et al 2018

seedHealth R package: available in GitHub, and as a Shiny interface

Gender tools  Netsayi Mudege
Seed regulatory framework analysis Margaret et al. To understand how seed regulatory framework impact on VPC seed producers & users
Sustainable Early Generation Seed Business Analysis Tool (SEGSBAT) Srini Rajendran To define and monitor sustainable business models for EGS
Seed Tracker Lava Kumar Monitor volumes of registered seed up to end users
Glossary (as annex or part of ‘toolbox user guide’)
Pest risk management strategies (PRAs, PRiMPS)
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