Impact network analysis is a framework for scenario analysis as decision support for regional management interventions (Garrett 2021a, Garrett 2021b, Garrett et al. 2018)
The INA R package code, and information about accessing it, are available at
Garrett, K. A. 2021a. Impact network analysis and the INA R package: Decision support for regional management interventions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. [open access link]
Garrett, K. A. 2021b. User guide to impact network analysis (INA). CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers and Bananas (RTB). RTB User Guide. No. 2021-4. Lima, Peru. [open access link]
Garrett, K. A., R. I. Alcalá-Briseño, K. F. Andersen, C. E. Buddenhagen, R. A. Choudhury, J. C. Fulton, J. F. Hernandez Nopsa, R. Poudel, and Y. Xing. 2018. Network analysis: A systems framework to address grand challenges in plant pathology. Annual Review of Phytopathology 56: 559-580. [open access link]
Examples of studies that include tools in the INA package
Andersen Onofre, K. F., G. A. Forbes, J. Andrade-Piedra, C. E. Buddenhagen, J. C. Fulton, M. Gatto, Z. Khidesheli, R. Mdivani, Y. Xing, K. A. Garrett. 2021. An integrated seed health strategy and phytosanitary risk assessment: potato in the Republic of Georgia. Agricultural Systems 191:103144. [open access link]
Andersen, K. F., C. E. Buddenhagen, P. Rachkara, R. Gibson, S. Kalule, D. Phillips, and K. A. Garrett. 2019. Modeling epidemics in seed systems and landscapes to guide management strategies: The case of sweetpotato in Northern Uganda. Phytopathology 109:1519-1532. [open access link]
Buddenhagen*, C. E., J. F. Hernandez Nopsa*, K. F. Andersen, J. Andrade-Piedra, G. A. Forbes, P. Kromann, S. Thomas-Sharma, P. Useche, and K. A. Garrett. 2017. Epidemic network analysis for mitigation of invasive pathogens in seed systems: Potato in Ecuador. Phytopathology 107:1209-1218. [open access link]
Etherton, B. A., R. A. Choudhury, R. I. Alcalá-Briseño, Y. Xing, A. I. Plex Sulá, D. Carrillo, J. Wasielewski, L. Stelinski, K. A. Grogan, F. Ballen, T. Blare, J. Crane, and K. A. Garrett. 2023. Are avocados toast? A framework to analyze decision-making for emerging epidemics, applied to laurel wilt. Agricultural Systems 206:103615. [open access link]
Nduwimana, I., S. Sylla, Y. Xing, A. Simbare, C. Niyongere , K. A. Garrett, B. A. Omondi. 2022. Banana seed exchange systems in Burundi – linking formal and informal systems. Outlook on Agriculture 51:334-348. [open access link]
The following vignettes give examples of applications for functions in the INA R package, which performs impact network analysis (INA) and related analyses. These vignettes correspond to examples in Garrett 2021a.
A vignette for the INA R package: Identifying key sampling locations for smart surveillance using the smartsurv function. Link: V1 INA-smartsurv (Exp 1)
A vignette for the INA R package: Smaller functions that can create system components for the INAscene function. Link: V2 INA-INAscene-smaller-functions
A vignette for the INA R package: Evaluating the likelihood of project success in scenario analyses for regional management using the INAscene function. Link: V3 INA-INAscene-project-scenario-analysis (Exp 2)
A vignette for the INA R package: Evaluating potential adaptation plans for regional management under global change using the INAscene function. Link: V4 INA-INAscene-adaptation (Exp 3)
A vignette for the INA R package: How function speed scales with node number: V5 INA function scaling with node number