Smart surveillance and mitigation

These papers address strategies for "smart surveillance and mitigation", sampling and mitigation strategies that take into account the structure of the system to make actions more effective.

Journal Articles

Etherton, B. A., A. I. Plex Sulá, R. A. Mouafo-Tchinda, R. Kakuhenzire, H. A. Kassaye, F. Asfaw, V. S. Kosmakos, R. W. McCoy, Y. Xing, J. Yao, K. Sharma, and K. A. Garrett. 2025. Translating Ethiopian potato seed networks: identifying strategic intervention points for managing bacterial wilt and other diseases. Agricultural Systems 222:104167. [open access link]

Etherton, B. A., R. A. Choudhury, R. I. Alcalá Briseño, R. A. Mouafo-Tchinda, A. I. Plex Sulá, M. Choudhury, A. Adhikari, S. L. Lei, N. Kraisitudomsook, J. Robledo Buritica, V. A. Cerbaro, K. Ogero, C. M. Cox, S. P. Walsh, J. Andrade-Piedra, B. A. Omondi, I. Navarrete, M. A. McEwan, and K. A. Garrett. 2024. Disaster plant pathology: Smart solutions for threats to global plant health from natural and human-driven disasters. Phytopathology 114:855-868. [open access link].

Alcalá Briseño, R. I., O. Batuman, J. Brawner, W. J. Cuellar, E. Delaquis, B. A. Etherton, R. D. French-Monar, J. F. Kreuze, I. Navarrete, K. Ogero, A. I. Plex Sulá, S. Yilmaz, and K. A. Garrett. 2023. Translating virome analyses to support biosecurity, on-farm management, and crop breeding. Frontiers in Plant Science 14:1056603. [open access link]

Etherton, B. A., R. A. Choudhury, R. I. Alcalá-Briseño, Y. Xing, A. I. Plex Sulá, D. Carrillo, J. Wasielewski, L. Stelinski, K. A. Grogan, F. Ballen, T. Blare, J. Crane, and K. A. Garrett. 2023. Are avocados toast? A framework to analyze decision-making for emerging epidemics, applied to laurel wilt. Agricultural Systems 206:103615. [open access link]

Buddenhagen*, C. E.Y. Xing*, J. Andrade Piedra, G. A. Forbes, P. Kromann, I. Navarrete, S. Thomas-Sharma, R. A. ChoudhuryK. F. Andersen, E. Schulte-Geldermann, B. A. EthertonA. I. Plex Sulá, and K. A. Garrett. 2022. Where to invest project efforts for greater benefit: A framework for management performance mapping with examples for potato seed health. Phytopathology. [open access link]

Garrett, K. A., D. P. Bebber, B. A. Etherton, K. M. Gold, A. I. Plex Sulá, and M. G. Selvaraj. 2022. Climate change effects on pathogen emergence: artificial intelligence to translate big data for mitigation.  Annual Review of Phytopathology 60:357-378. [open access link]

Nduwimana, I., S. Sylla, Y. Xing, A. Simbare, C. Niyongere , K. A. Garrett, B. A. Omondi. 2022. Banana seed exchange systems in Burundi – linking formal and informal systems. Outlook on Agriculture 51:334-348. [open access link]

Andersen Onofre, K. F., G. A. Forbes, J. Andrade-Piedra, C. E. Buddenhagen, J. C. Fulton, M. Gatto, Z. Khidesheli, R. Mdivani, Y. XingK. A. Garrett. 2021. An integrated seed health strategy and phytosanitary risk assessment: potato in the Republic of Georgia. Agricultural Systems 191:103144. [open access link]

Garrett, K. A. 2021. Impact network analysis and the INA R package: Decision support for regional management interventions. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 12:1634-1647. [open access link]

McEwan, M. A., C. J. M. Almekinders, J.L. Andrade-Piedra, E. Delaquis, K. A. Garrett, L. Kumar, S. Mayanja, B. A. Omondi, S. Rajendran, and G. Thiele. 2021. “Breaking through the 40% adoption ceiling: Mind the seed system gaps.” A perspective on seed systems research for development in One CGIAR. Outlook on Agriculture [open access link]

Garrett, K. A.R. I. Alcalá-BriseñoK. F. Andersen, J. Brawner, R. A. Choudhury, E. Delaquis, J. Fayette, R. Poudel, D. Purves, J. Rothschild, I. M. Small, S. Thomas-Sharma, and Y. Xing.  2020.  Effective altruism as an ethical lens on research priorities.  Phytopathology 110:708-722. [open access link]

Xing*, Y.J. Hernandez Nopsa*, K. F. Andersen, J. Andrade-Piedra, F. Beed, G. Blomme, M. Carvajal Yepes, D. Coyne, W. Cuellar, G. Forbes, J. Kreuze, J. Kroschel, L. Kumar, J. Legg, M. Parker, E. Schulte-Geldermann, K. Sharma, and K. A. Garrett. 2020. Global cropland connectivity: A risk factor for invasion and saturation by emerging pathogens and pests. BioScience 70:744-758. [open access link]

Andersen, K. F.C. E. Buddenhagen, P. Rachkara, R. Gibson, S. Kalule, D. Phillips, and K. A. Garrett. 2019. Modeling epidemics in seed systems and landscapes to guide management strategies: The case of sweetpotato in Northern Uganda. Phytopathology 109:1519-1532. [open access link]

Carvajal-Yepes, M., K. Cardwell, A. Nelson, K. A. Garrett, B. Giovani, D. G. O. Saunders, S. Kamoun, J. P. Legg, V. Verdier, J. Lessel, R. A. Neher, R. Day, P. Pardey, M. L. Gullino, A. R. Records, B. Bextine, J. E. Leach, S. Staiger, J. Tohme. 2019. A global surveillance system for crop diseases. Science 364:1237-1239. [link]

Delaquis, E., K. F. Andersen, N. Minato, C. T. L. Thuy, M. E. Karssenberg, S. Sophearith, K. A. G. Wyckhuys, J. Newby, D. D. Burra, P. Srean, I. Phirun, L. D. Niem, P. T. Nhan, K. A. Garrett, C. J. M. Almekinders, P. C. Struik, S. de Haan. 2018. Raising the stakes: cassava seed networks at multiple scales in Cambodia and Vietnam.  Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 2:73. [open access link]

Garrett, K. A., R. I. Alcalá-Briseño, K. F. Andersen, C. E. Buddenhagen, R. A. Choudhury, J. C. Fulton, J. F. Hernandez Nopsa, R. Poudel, and Y. Xing. 2018. Network analysis: A systems framework to address grand challenges in plant pathology.  Annual Review of Phytopathology 56: 559-580. [open access link]

Buddenhagen*C. E.,  J. F. Hernandez Nopsa*K. F. Andersen, J. Andrade-Piedra, G. A. Forbes, P. Kromann, S. Thomas-Sharma, P. Useche, and K. A. Garrett. 2017. Epidemic network analysis for mitigation of invasive pathogens in seed systems: Potato in Ecuador.  Phytopathology 107:1209-1218. [open access link]

Hernandez Nopsa, J. F., G. J. Daglish, D. W. Hagstrum, J. F. Leslie, T. W. Phillips, C. Scoglio, S. Thomas-Sharma, G. H. Walter, and K. A. Garrett. 2015. Ecological networks in stored grain: identifying key nodes for emerging pests and mycotoxins in postharvest networks.  BioScience 65:985-1002. [open access link] [UF press release] [UF/IFAS FAES High Impact Award winner]

Sanatkar, M. R., C. Scoglio, B. Natarajan, S. Isard, and K. A. Garrett. 2015. History, epidemic evolution, and model burn-in for a network of annual invasion: Soybean rust. Phytopathology 105:947-955. [open access link]

Garrett, K. A. 2012. Information networks for plant disease: Commonalities in human management networks and within-host signaling networks. [Invited] European Journal of Plant Pathology 133:75-88. [link]

Sutrave, S., C. Scoglio, S. A. Isard, J. M. S. Hutchinson, and K. A. Garrett. 2012. Identifying highly connected counties compensates for resource limitations when evaluating national spread of an invasive pathogen. PLoS ONE 7:e37793. [open access link]

Margosian, M. L.K. A. Garrett, J. M. S. Hutchinson, and K. A. With. 2009. Connectivity of the American agricultural landscape: Assessing the national risk of crop pest and disease spread. BioScience 59:141-151. [open access link]

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