MSU symposium on global change
Michigan State University presented a symposium on Global Change and Agroecosystems and a Colloquium on Sustainable Food Systems in Developing Countries, and Karen Garrett was pleased to participate.
Michigan State University presented a symposium on Global Change and Agroecosystems and a Colloquium on Sustainable Food Systems in Developing Countries, and Karen Garrett was pleased to participate.
Congrats to Ricardo Alcala Briseño, Kelsey Andersen, Chris Buddenhagen, Robin Choudhury, and James Fulton for excellent presentations at the 2017 national meeting of the American Phytopathological Society! Congrats to Ravin Poudel for being selected to present in the I. E. Melhus Graduate Student Symposium! In the photo, Ravin’s presentation includes a discussion of this paper: Poudel, …
Robin Choudhury and Karen Garrett met with the Gaiser Lab (Florida International University) at Archbold Biological Station, to discuss diatom ecology and ecological networks.
Congratulations to Ravin Poudel, selected as a participant in the recent Symposium of the Society of Young Network Scientists!
Congratulations to Ravin Poudel and coauthors on this recent paper, downloaded over 3000 times. Poudel, R., A. Jumpponen, D. C. Schlatter, T. C. Paulitz, B. McSpadden Gardener, L. L. Kinkel, and K. A. Garrett. 2016. Microbiome networks: A systems framework for identifying candidate microbial assemblages for disease management. Phytopathology 106:1083-1096. [open access link]