CGIAR RTB Pest Risk Assessment meeting with Fera in UK

CGIAR RTB Pest Risk Assessment meeting with Fera scientists Julian Smith and colleagues in the UK, with Kelsey Andersen and Karen Garrett from our lab.  Discussing the next steps for these projects and related work:

Xing*, Y.J. Hernandez Nopsa*, J. Andrade-Piedra, F. Beed, G. Blomme, M. Carvajal Yepes, D. Coyne, G. Forbes, J. Kreuze, J. Kroschel, L. Kumar, J. Legg, M. Parker, E. Schulte-Geldermann, and K.  A. Garrett.  2017. Global cropland connectivity: A risk factor for invasion and saturation by emerging pathogens and pests. bioRxiv:

Garrett, K. A.K. F. Andersen, F. Asche, R. L. Bowden, G. A. Forbes, P. A. Kulakow, and B. Zhou. 2017. Resistance genes in global crop breeding networks. Phytopathology 107:1268-1278. [open access link] [interactive interface for exploring model behavior]

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